Molly Bloms bravader

Monday, May 07, 2007

This is a rapport about what we I Sweden calls Alliansen.

The Porno Analyze

The Allians består av 4 parties. The biggest one is the moderaterna. They are the nya arbetarpartiet. And MY GOD. Never have arbetslösa and sjukpensionärer worked more than they have today. Who else is going to betala for the lättander in the fastighetsskatt for rich people in fancy förorter? This påminner mig about an old German ordspråk wich stands above the gates to a very famous camp sited in the polish countryside. The dominating male is called Freddy Rain.

The second party is the Folkpartiet Liberalerna. But what liberaler has to to with this party no one really can say. If Folkpartiet Liberalerna was a bird its läte would be : Hårdare tag! Hårdare tag! Hårdare tag! The Folkpartiet Liberalerna is the Kuksugarparti of the Alliance. Starring: Lenny the Lion

The third party is the Centerpartiet They have a partiledare wich is rymdminister, and one thing is definitively true: Centerpartiet is really lost in space! And a very good facesitter I might add. Starring: Maude Beaver

The fjärde partiet is the KD. This is kind of the Christian Moral Majority of Sweden. In this ormgrop of partier this party would have the role as the fluffer. No one who shows, but if it weren’t for the fluffer, everything would fall apart. AND WE DON’T WANT THAT, DO WE? Starring: Goran the Gap

Eeh, I don’t feel så good.



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